Wednesday, June 11, 2014

the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict

A four-day Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict opens in London Celebrities like William Hague and Angelina Jolie join women from all across the globe to discuss what's at stake in ending rape culture within wartime/wartorn regions

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Rachel Maddow on Judicial Nominees + Reproductive Justice

Check out recent Rachel Maddow report on left opposing recent judicial nominee Michael Boggs while laying out the context for the dangers of creating registry for Abortion Providers. This is a re-blog from Naral's June 4 blog (

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

RIP :: we pay tribute :: Yuri Kochiyama :: Civil Rights Warrior + Maya Angelou :: Poet and Civil Rights Warrior

A few great sisters in the struggle have passed recently. we'd like to pay tribute to the incredible contributions they've made in their lifetimes to our collective freedom.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Woman Videos Abortion to Show There's No Shame in It

Emily Letts, a patient advocate at a women's clinic, found herself on the other side of the table. She was pregnant, in her early twenties and knew she was not ready to raise a child. So like the women she supports at the clinic, she, too, decided to have an abortion. Aware of the stigma that is carried with the procedure, she decided to do something bold - she videoed her abortion to show that there's no shame, fear or pain unlike many held notions.

Monday, May 12, 2014

High Schooler's art tries to change rape culture, school tells her no thanks

Gracie Holtzclaw, a high school senior from South Carolina, entered a county-wide school art exhibition. Her artwork titled, Rape Culture which should have inspired positive dialogue between parents, teachers and students about the perils of victim blaming and purity culture, instead was banned at the last minute by the school after being deemed inapproprite. Her artwork was excluded on the grounds that children, not much younger than Holtzclaw herself, might see it. The artwork appears to be a block print of a barechested woman with a tattoo and her breasts censored.