
Guerrilla Girls Broadband Present MapAbortion! and other crazy collective struggles @ Interference Archive

Tomorrow (Monday Nov 18th!!!) at 7:30 PM in conjunction with the Archive's great poster show on Reproductive Justice, This is an Emergency.

Prison Legal News is now distributing the classic book Our Bodies, Ourselves to women prisoners. Shockingly, they had reports from the publisher that a number of prison systems have banned the book.

This was a formative slogan at Madrid's great occupation, the Puerta del Sol "Soon, the assemblies became redoubts for inclusion. If someone stated that bankers behave like "hijos de puta," many of the participants would silently cross their arms,

reproving the exclusion operated by means of language on a sex workers' offspring. First day jeers to the banner


So GOP-led House of Representatives, with the blessings and encouragement of the United States Council of Catholic Bishops and extremist religious groups such as the Family Research Council, who strive to keep women subjugated in case that female ra

More murderous harassment of abortion providers is on the way, so don't get complacent! Against the backdrop of a wave of anti-abortion legislative assaults, Operation Rescue has announced plans for a "Summer of Mercy 2.0" targeting the brave and outspoken abortion provider Dr. LeRoy Carhart in Germantown, MD July 30-August 7. This organization is the same group that hounded Dr. George Tiller in Wichita, KS, for years (until he was assassinated by one of their associates in May '09). Their original "Summer of Mercy" in 1991 shut down access to the Dr.

72 Allen Street New York, NY 10002

Check out this alteration of the insidious anti-abortion ad campaign on the NY subway system. The campaign tries to surround abortion choices with fear, guilt and shame. These great alterations refocus attention on empowerment through access to abortion and contraception. Keep 'em coming!

Not Using a Condom Changes You

Let's revive the spirit of Julia Ward Howe who started the whole Mothers Day thing in 1870. It was the Franco-Prussian war that was slaughtering young soldiers then - for what?  - Code Pink is having a Mothers Day stroll on Sunday, starting at Columbus Circle at 11:30 am. They will have flyers with Julia's proclamation, and it will be read out at key places:

Julia Ward Howe's 1870 Mothers' Day Proclamation

(JWH also wrote the Civil War song Battle Hymn of the Republic)