Shattering The Glass Ceiling

Shattering The Glass Ceiling

The term "glass ceiling" refers to the invisible barriers, real or perceived, which limit the progression of women in the workforce. It poses a serious threat and offers many disadvantages to women. This is an intense form of discrimination. Taken literally, the metaphor of the "glass ceiling" implies the existence of an impermeable barrier that blocks the vertical mobility of women. Below this barrier, women are promoted, but beyond this barrier they simply are not.

The glass ceiling is a barrier so subtle that it is transparent, yet it is so strong that it prevents women from moving up the corporate ladder. The existent yet subtle business policies that make it possible for the unscrupulous practices to be exercised, that promote a glass ceiling, undermine the capabilities and overall potential of all women in the workforce. In the work climate we are in today, in which everyone should have an equal opportunity to prosper, there is NO room for a glass ceiling. It hinders necessary advancement! We have to shatter this glass ceiling!
Here's a PDF with some pretty powerful stats on this topic from a 2002 report on the Status of Women in Management in Ten Selected Industries, compiled by the U.S. General Accounting Office, and analyzed by the staffs of Representatives John D. Dingell (D-MI) and Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY).