I've been trying to find sources to provide perspective, information, and analysis about the situation in Gaza at a moment when western media overwhelming falls into spin and imbalanced reporting.
here are some resources i've found to cobble together a view that recognizes the political and human rights of Palestinians:
current events...
international middle east media center
Al Monitor's Palestinian Pulse
Al Jazeera English ( readers in the u.s. -- if this transfers you to america.aljazeera scroll down to the footer menu and choose to visit al jazeera english. you will only be able to access print/image not video or radio/audio)
streaming video:
educational videos on occupation of Palestine
drawing war by lena merhej (this is an account of the lebanese war - and yet provides insight into how to creatively engage with violence and memory)
if you are all about twitter:
ongoing analysis...
the palestinian national initiative
the world must intervene by Moustafa Barghouti
from july 1, 2014 -- so long ago now
wall and the eye -- interview with Eyal Weizman
interview w/Judith Butler on OpenDemocracy
get active ...
brooklyn for peace vigil nightly 5-8p at Lafayette/Fulton
an new app to track your consumer support = buycott
this is only a small bit -- hopefully each of these will lead you to more links + info and understanding and action.