
It's wonderful to see not only a father share that he is a feminist, but to lay down some pretty awesome rules for dating his daughter that put the choice and control in the hands...of his daughter. We need more dads like this one!

Last Wednesday marked a strange moment in history, the first time the Health and Human Services Secretary has ever overruled an FDA decision.

This was a formative slogan at Madrid's great occupation, the Puerta del Sol "Soon, the assemblies became redoubts for inclusion. If someone stated that bankers behave like "hijos de puta," many of the participants would silently cross their arms,

reproving the exclusion operated by means of language on a sex workers' offspring. First day jeers to the banner


Stigmatization: what does it truly mean? For those who are constantly stigmatized, appearing normal becomes a common goal, one that can entrench a stigmatized person's existence. In Lerita M. Coleman's excerpt on stigmas called 'Stigma-An Enigma Demystified', the relationship between stigmatized and non-stigmatized people is further discussed.

I was reading an article by Catharine MacKinnon called 'Desire and Power' and I wanted to share some interesting points raised. MacKinnon theorizes that we speak a coded language when we talk about gender relations and feminism. When it comes to important issues, we have highly coded conversations. In order to unlock the code, we must be able to engage in a constructive, hands-on conversation. According to MacKinnon, there are three parts in developing constructive language. The first conversation is in the form of an argument.

It was a great pleasure for Guerrilla Girls BroadBand to participate at this year's annual New York Art Book Fair. Taking place at the MOMA center at P.S. 1 in Long Island City, New York, the Art Book Fair brought together some of the most ingenious artists and activists on the current scene. As one of the participating Guerrilla Girls, I had a chance to engulf myself in the "ooohs" and "ahhs" escaping the mouths of the spectators at the remarkable exhibitions and items put on display.

72 Allen Street New York, NY 10002