third wave feminism

This was a formative slogan at Madrid's great occupation, the Puerta del Sol "Soon, the assemblies became redoubts for inclusion. If someone stated that bankers behave like "hijos de puta," many of the participants would silently cross their arms,

reproving the exclusion operated by means of language on a sex workers' offspring. First day jeers to the banner


Sometimes, conceptualizing feminist terms can be difficult! I read an article called, "Anti-Essentialism and Intersectionality: Tools to Dismantle the Master's House" by Trina Grillo which spoke volumes to me and helped me understand some unfamiliar concepts.

In the past few years, female students across college campuses nationwide have adopted the custom of transforming slurs and derogatory terms for women into terms of endearment. "I love you, bitch!" and "I love you, slut!" re increasingly flung around campus between women. You can overhear it in conversations, read them in Blackberry messages, posted on Facebook walls, and even shouted in passing at your local Thursday night dorm party.