american feminism

More murderous harassment of abortion providers is on the way, so don't get complacent! Against the backdrop of a wave of anti-abortion legislative assaults, Operation Rescue has announced plans for a "Summer of Mercy 2.0" targeting the brave and outspoken abortion provider Dr. LeRoy Carhart in Germantown, MD July 30-August 7. This organization is the same group that hounded Dr. George Tiller in Wichita, KS, for years (until he was assassinated by one of their associates in May '09). Their original "Summer of Mercy" in 1991 shut down access to the Dr.

Notable in the Indiana and North Carolina primary results and in many recent polls are signs of a change in the gender weather: white men are warming to Hillary Clinton--at least enough to vote for her. Its no small shift. These men have historically been her fiercest antagonists. Their converstion may point less to a new kind of male voter than to a new kind of female vote-getter.

In this article, "Students of Virginity," by Randall Patterson, the abstinence movement is repositioned as feminist: "'I am an unconventional feminist,' Fredell says, in the sense that she asserts control by choosing not to have sex--by telling men no, absolutely not...In the Ivy League, abstinence is A. Philosophical, B. Research-based, C. An outgrowth of feminism, D. Sexy and fun, E.