The Advantages of Another Bush Presidency
The Advantages of Another Bush Presidency
All those white men who were discriminated against finally have jobs
Not having to get up early because you don't have a job
Not living long enough to enjoy your retirement because you won't be able to afford it anyway OR
Not having to feel guilty about not saving for retirement because you won't be able to afford it
Not needing to take expensive foreign vacations in lands where they hate us anyway OR
Not having to travel to countries where they don't speak your language
Saving money on birth control pills since family planning is illegal
No need to suffer through Paleontology because science is no longer part of the curriculum
Your child won't be distracted by non-essential classes in music and sports
Your kids won't have asthma attacks because you left Harlem to clean houses in Arizona
Saving money on vacations because your favorite campsite has been cleared for logging
Being proud of your draft-age son for serving his country
Not needing to worry about taxes (unless you make less than $100,000)
Feeling confident that your country is bombing others in the name of Jesus Christ
Knowing there won't be an oil shortage, since the national wildernesses have been opened up for drilling
Not having to worry about college: the military will take care of that..
Not having to live with overworked/unemployed parents: they'll be deported or imprisoned
Knowing the HAVES and the HAVE-MORES will take care of the country’s finances, relieving me of the worry.