Credit Hog

Dear Employer,

It is amazing that your office is able to stay afloat when the only one competent enough to get anything done is you. You worry that the minute you walk out the door for a dentist appointment everything will fall apart behind you. Your employees are constantly falling short, falling down, failing to follow through. You on the other hand are a pinch hitter - always able to come in with the home run when the bases are loaded - able to make a slam dunk presentation to even the most skeptical client - going that extra mile to get the job done - able to stay cool under pressure when the stakes are high. (I cannot think of enough sports metaphors to properly describe the extent of your value.)

As you read this does it at all occur to you that this account seems a little one-sided? Isn't it at all possible you are experiencing a case of selective amnesia?

One of your employees has contacted us and alerted us to this situation. They don't find it funny that you seem to get all the glory while they are the ones doing all the grunt work.

If you think you have received this letter in error, consider the following:

-- Ask yourself when was the last time you did anything wro

ng. If the answer is "never," maybe you should get a second opinion.

-- When was the last time one of your employees received credit instead of you? If again you cannot recall such a situation, consider yourself lucky that they are still working for you.

While you may be the center of your own universe, the rest of your office needs some acknowledgement if your world is to keep on spinning. Try to take a step off that fast track, pull your head out of the sand, step down off your pedestal, and take a good look in the mirror. You are not an island unto yourself so stop acting like one.

With all due respect,

GuerrillaGirlsBroadBand (a.k.a. The Gold Star Committee)

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