NY state allows individual providers and institutions to refuse to participate in performing abortions if they wish. NY State does not allow providers/institutions to refuse contraception or sterilization to patients.
NY State prohibits certain specified actions aimed at abortion providers: obstruction, threat, and damage. In NY State, telephone harassment is NOT illegal. NY State also does not have a protected 'bubble zone' (a specified area in which protesters/opposers cannot enter).
(2001-03-16) -
NY State participates in designing a form that abortion providers use for reporting to the state. The form requires: identification of the facility at which the abortion was performed and the physician performing the procedure; patient's demographic characteristics (eg, age, race, ethnicity, marital status and number of previous live births); gestational age, and abortion procedure used. NY STATE COLLECTS DATA ON THE FOLLOWING: Method of Payment, Complications, Reasons for Procedure (only if it's due to woman's health/life, fetal abnormality, and/or anything other than rape/incest)(2010-03-12)
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